How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (2024)

Learn how to make Oobleck using this simple Oobleck Recipe. This post includes a non Newtonian Fluid Recipe that is one of the coolest science experiments for kids. It’s an exercise in Non-Newtonian fluids, but it’s also tons of fun to squish and play with. If you’re looking for a totally cool Oobleck recipe for kids of all ages (including those at heart) , you’re going to love this!

Crush the oobleck and it turns into a hard ball in your hands. But release your hand, and the oobleck oozes out like slime!

This time, we made our Non Newtonian fluid recipeeven more fun by making it in bright colors and using utensils that bring the experiment to life!

Make the wild oobleck with the colors we did, yellow, orange, blue, and pink, or pick your own favorite colors to try!

Just be careful, it’s easy to end up with brown goo if you add too many colors at once.

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (1)

How To Make Oobleck

Making oobleck is one of our favorite science activities. It’s similar to slime in that it’s a fun sensory experience, but it’s even more fun because it has properties of a liquid and a solid. Non-Newtonian fluids are a lot of fun to play with, and this version is so colorful you can’t help but love it!

We make this and play with it all times of the year and it’s always a ton of fun. It’s a great sensory activity for children that never gets old.

While it might be just a little bit messy (okay, maybe a lot..), it’s worth it every single time. The kids play with this for hours and always have a ton of fun.

Is oobleck a solid or a liquid?

This is what makes this Non Newtonian Fluid Oobleck Recipe so cool! It’s actually a combination of both a solid and a liquid and that’s just part of the fun appeal!

What is a non newtonian fluid?

If you’re a science fan, you’ve probably heard of non newtonian fluid. A non newtonian fluid is one that doesn’t follow the laws and rules of Newton’s viscosity. In fact, it means that it changes shape and structure to be either a liquid or a solid.

Oobleck Recipe

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How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (2)

Oobleck recipe ingredients:

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (3)

You will need 4 bowls for this activity.

In each bowl, add:

  • 1 cup of corn starch
  • A squirt of food coloring
  • Water

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (4)

Add just enough water so that the cornstarch mixes, but not enough that it’s runny. If you have trouble stirring it, but it oozes back together once you remove the fork, it’s a perfect consistency. This part takes a little experimentation to get it right. Add your oobleck to the tray and play!

You can watch this video to learn more about how to make oobleck:

I don’t always use food coloring when making Oobleck. You can check out my post on how to make goop with cornstarch and water post to see what it looks like.

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (5)

Who knew that mixing cornstarch and water (and a few other ingredients!) could be so much fun! If you are looking for more ways to incorporate oobleck, check out

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (6)

See what happens when you place the oobleck on different objects, like forks, spoons, slotted spoons, colanders, and anything else you have lying around.

Using different objects will show your children how it moves from item to item. Use this as an opportunity to talk about how objects can mold and change shape easily when they need to. Think of it like an oobleck experiment and talk about the different and various outcomes.

You can even have your children write down their hypotheses and what they think will happen and then compare their notes to watch actually happens as well. This oobleck Science experiment allows you to take into consideration many fun ideas and see which ones are true.

But be warned, this oobleck recipe is extremely messy. You may want to do this activity outside.

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (7)

This cornstarch and water experiment can also be used to discuss the color mixing theory. The oobleck colors mix quickly, so be careful not to add too much or you’ll end up with a brown goo. If you want to avoid this altogether, just stick to playing with one color at a time, or max two colors.

Can you get the colorful oobleck to combine and make secondary colors? What other colors can you make?

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (8)

I hope you try this recipe and learned how to make oobleck. It really is something worth checking out. One of the best parts of making slime is the estimation of ingredients and learning how to get it to the right consistency. Teach your kids how to make oobleck and they can estimate how much water vs cornstarch to put in too!

Also, check out our fun science experiments for kids or create some calm down jars.

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (9)

How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid (2024)


How To Make Oobleck Recipe - Non Newtonian Fluid? ›

Mix 1 part water with 1.5 to 2 parts cornstarch. You may wish to start with one cup of water and one and a half cups of cornstarch, then work in more cornstarch if you want a more 'solid' oobleck.

How do you make non-Newtonian fluid? ›

Add ¼ cup of dry cornstarch to the bowl. Add about 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons, or 30 cm3) of water to the corn starch and stir slowly. Add water slowly to the mixture, with stirring, until all of the powder is wet. Continue to add water until the cornstarch acts like a liquid when you stir it slowly.

How do you make non-Newtonian fluid without cornstarch? ›

Arrowroot powder, extracted from the rhizomes of the arrowroot plant, can also be used as a cornstarch alternative. Mix arrowroot powder with water, gradually adjusting the proportions until you attain the consistency reminiscent of traditional Oobleck.

Is blood non Newtonian? ›

Blood has been recognized as a non-New- tonian fluid for many years. Only recently1' - have the rheological properties of blood been studied under shear rates near zero flow. These studies have suggested that the viscosity of blood increases indefinitely as the shear rate approaches zero.

What are the 3 types of non-Newtonian fluid? ›

Different types of non-Newtonian fluids
Type of behaviourDescription
ThixotropicViscosity decreases with stress over time
RheopecticViscosity increases with stress over time
Shear thinningViscosity decreases with increased stress
Dilatant or shear thickeningViscosity increases with increased stress
Apr 12, 2010

How do you make non-Newtonian fluid for kids? ›

Start with one part water in a bowl. Slowly add 1.5 to two parts cornflour, stirring constantly. Starch particles become suspended in water -- but too much water will create liquid. "You need the tipping point, at the non-Newtonian threshold," says Podolefsky.

What are 3 examples of non-Newtonian fluids? ›

Many salt solutions and molten polymers are non-Newtonian fluids, as are many commonly found substances such as custard, toothpaste, starch suspensions, corn starch, paint, blood, melted butter, and shampoo.

Does baby powder work for oobleck? ›

When it comes to oobleck, you can use them in the exact same way as cornstarch without any modifications. You can try baby powder, but it must have cornstarch in it. Read the ingredient label to make sure. You can also try potato starch, but don't use baking soda or flour.

What is similar to oobleck? ›

The properties of oobleck and other non-Newtonian fluids—including silly putty, quicksand, paint, and yogurt—change under stress or pressure and scientists have long struggled to prove exactly why.

Is oobleck the only non-Newtonian fluid? ›

Oobleck and other pressure-dependent substances (such as Silly Putty and quicksand) are not liquids such as water or oil. They are known as non-Newtonian fluids. This substance's funny name comes from a Dr. Seuss book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck.

What happens when you add shaving cream to oobleck? ›

Shaving cream is the magic ingredient that will turn your oobleck into a soft and fluffy version. Love how easy it is to make it!

Is ketchup a non-Newtonian fluid? ›

Ketchup Is Not Just a Condiment: It Is Also a Non-Newtonian Fluid | Scientific American.

Why does cornstarch make non-Newtonian fluid? ›

Cornstarch particles have a rough surface. When a fast shear force is applied (like punching it), the long starch molecules are forced closer together causing the particles to lock together. The impact of this force traps the water between the starch chains to form a semi- rigid structure.

What causes non-Newtonian fluid? ›

Non-Newtonian behavior of fluids can be caused by several factors, all of them related to structural reorganization of the fluid molecules due to flow. In polymer melts and solutions, it is the alignment of the highly anisotropic chains what results in a decreased viscosity.

What is the science behind the Oobleck experiment? ›

Oobleck is a mixture of a solid (corn starch) suspended in a liquid (water). Oobleck behaves like a solid when force is acted on it quickly. This is because the pressure forces all the particles of corn starch together and they behave like a solid.

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