7 Incredible Steps To Losing Weight That Don't Include Food Or Exercise (2024)

It has been 10 years since I made the commitment to change my lifestyle- and I’ve never looked back. The one thing that took me the longest to learn is that weight loss doesn’t always have to do with food or exercise; it also has to do with your daily life habits. These steps to losing weight have tremendously helped me stay on track and improve my overall health!

7 Incredible Steps To Losing Weight That Don't Include Food Or Exercise (1)

A Whole New Me

Since I’ve lost 40lbs (give or take a few depending on the week) and feel better than I did in my 20s, my outlook on life has completely changed. I actually look better but more importantly, I feel better.

Maybe one of these days I will dig out some pictures to share… I’ll have to think about that one!

Anyway, while my weight loss is a result of the food I eat, and whether or not I exercise, it also has a lot to do with the lifestyle I created for myself. This is what I boil it down to:

“A lifestyle that minimizes chaos, keeps peace in my life and encourages me to make healthy choices.”

When your life is filled with chaos and disorder, you feel like you lost control. That loss of control puts you into a “hot zone”- a place that makes you go into survival mode and has you making whatever choice you need to regain control. Often, that choice is not healthy and one that will leave you full of regret later on.

For example:

  • Ordering pizza because dinner is not ready
  • Being late for work because you can’t find clothes to wear
  • Your kids forgot their lunches and homework because their bags were not packed the night before.
  • You stop for fast food because you did not eat breakfast.

I could go on and on. It is probably safe to say we would rather live outside the hot zone. Not to say life will always be perfect and peaceful but if you are intentional with your actions, moments in the hot zone will become more of an exception than the rule.

7 Steps To Losing Weight That Don’t Include Food Or Exercise

I find it very difficult to function effectively when my life is in chaos. I can’t focus, I lose patience easily, and my body will start to shut down if the chaos becomes too much. A lot of the time, I will get headaches, stomachaches, and I just want to sleep all the time. So, personally, I try to be very intentional in avoiding the hot zone whenever possible.

Below are 7 steps to losing weight that I do daily to keep my life in order and contain the chaos to a minimum. Now, of course, I am not perfect and not everything on this list is going to happen all the time. However, I know I’m at my best when I am purposeful in keeping my hot zones under control.

*Please note these are not in a particular order.

1. Make Your Bed Every Morning

My bed is made every morning.

I either make it as soon as I wake up or right after I get out of the shower. It only takes about 5 minutes, if that. I know this might seem a little odd but seeing my bed made gives me so much peace.

Your bed is where sleep, rest, and (hopefully) sex will take place… Just sayin’. 😁

It should be your own personal retreat, love nest, and Shangri-La. I find that if my entire house is trashed, but my bed is made, I can exhale and just relax. To me, it is a great start to the day.

If you don’t make your bed every morning, I recommend giving it a try and see how you feel. Trust me! There is nothing like walking into your bedroom, after a long hard-working day, to see your beautifully made bed waiting for you to crawl in to.

How does this help me lose weight?

It helps me start my day with a healthy routine. Sometimes it only takes one healthy choice to keep the rest moving. Also, when my bed is made, I feel a burst of energy and, for some reason, that keeps me productive.

2. Use A Calendar

I am pretty sure I have talked about my love for calendars a million times over the last few years.

My motto: If it is not in my calendar, it does not exist. Period.

Without my calendar, I would have no clue where I need to be or what I need to do. Keeping a calendar has been critical to creating a healthy lifestyle. So much so, I wrote a whole post about it!

How does this help me lose weight?

It keeps me out of the hot zone by reminding me what I need to do and where I need to be. It also helps keep my menu plan and exercise schedule on the brain. Without my calendar, I get confused very quickly and start walking aimlessly towards the nearest Starbucks.

3. Lay Your Clothes Out The Night Before

The biggest waste of my time in the morning was always looking for something to wear. And not just for me – my kids, too!

This can catapult me into the “hot zone” like you wouldn’t believe and seems to have a negative domino effect on the rest of the day. I start rushing around looking for something to wear, then I run out of time for breakfast, then I stop for an “on the go” breakfast sandwich (even if I have some ready in my freezer), and well, you can figure the rest out.

Therefore, I make it a priority to have clothes ready the night before.

How does this help me lose weight?

It reduces the morning “hot zone” and the unhealthy choices that can easily occur when I get stressed or am running late.

4. Say No To Things

Out of all of my steps to losing weight, this one has been the hardest for me.

We can only do so much!

There comes a point, to keep your life in balance, you must say no to things. “Things” being anything that fills up your schedule and brain but just drains the life out of you. However, I am sure if we all wrote out our commitments, we could start scratching off a few we can give up.

I started really saying no about 2 years ago. Don’t get me wrong- I’m still busy with a full schedule, but I have prioritized the commitments that enter my schedule.

For example, I might not have the time to plan the 2nd-grade holiday party but I can certainly bring in food or supplies. I do what I can but I am adamant about not over-committing.

The problem with over-committing, at least for me, is two-fold.

  1. I get stressed out because I have too much on my plate and end up practically killing myself trying to get everything done. Then, I ended up being miserable and not enjoying anything.
  2. I get stressed out because I may not be able to fulfill my commitment and might let someone down.

So, I had to learn to say NO.

When I say no and prioritize, I can focus more on the things that matter most to me, give my best, and actually enjoy them.

How does this help me lose weight?

Time is the biggest excuse for putting a healthy lifestyle on the back burner. By saying no to things, I am able to free up more time to meal prep food for my entire family, exercise, and make living a healthy lifestyle a priority. I also have more energy because I am not tired all the time trying to do everything.

5. Work On Your Relationships

When I say relationships, I am referring to the one with your spouse, siblings, kids, parents, friends, boss, colleagues, or anyone who you spend time with. Basically, I mean all relationships that are important to you or have influence in your life.

When relationships are unhealthy, they can consume your mind with negative thoughts. These negative thoughts can play a huge role in stress. I don’t think I really need to tell you what stress does to us.

Now, I am not saying obsess over every little relationship!

When I was writing out my steps to losing weight, I realized that I needed to focus on the relationships that matter. If they don’t matter then, let it go.

One of the best ways to work out problems is to COMMUNICATE.

That’s right; Sometimes just sitting down and having a genuine conversation is all you need to turn a wrong into a right. I am certainly not a relationship expert but I will say that talking things through, in a mature respectful manner, has done wonders for the relationships in my life. And when my relationships are good, I am good.

How does this help me lose weight?

Positive healthy relationships make all right in the world. My mind can focus on other things because I am not worried or stressed out. I feel happy and find it much easier to make healthy choices.

6. Create A Peaceful Place For A Few Minutes A Day

With our busy lives, finding a peaceful place to relax and unwind might seem impossible. However, I think it is so important to find time to be quiet and at peace. It does not need to be hours at a time or a special location. Just sitting on the couch for 15 minutes, listening to music, after the kids go to bed may be all you need to recharge.

This time can give you a moment to reflect and exhale.

How does this help me lose weight?

Between being a mom, a wife, taking care of my house, and running a business, it is so easy to lose myself. In order to be the best version of me for my husband and kids, I need to take time for myself. I need to reflect and think. This keeps me a priority in a sea of a million other things that are begging for attention.

7. Put Together A To-Do List Before Bed

I love my to-do lists, and like my calendar, I could not survive without it.

With my busy schedule, I can get distracted and overwhelmed pretty easily if I don’t write things down. My to-do list takes everything out of my head and puts it on paper or my notes app. Once it is out of my head, I can prioritize tasks and check them off once they are complete.

For example, I used the To-Do List feature on my phone to write out all of my steps to losing weight so I can easily check them off on a daily basis and hold me accountable.

These lists keep my life in order and moving forward.

There are so MANY to-do list systems available, and I have tried them all, but I’ve learned- simple is best. I hate overcomplicating things!

All I do is write out the 5-6 top things I need to get done that day and then I prioritize. I know my limits and try to keep my tasks within them. I schedule my day around my list and try not to be too hard on myself if I don’t get everything done. If I don’t complete my tasks, I will just move them to the next day.

How does this help me lose weight?

It might sound silly to say but I find to-do lists very powerful. Lists keep me focused, serve as a reminder, and help to prioritize the things that are most important. They reduce my chances of falling into a hot zone, which then increases my chances of making healthy choices.

I realize that everyone is different and some things may not work for you. The goal is to create an environment, which keeps you out of the “hot zone”, so you can focus more on creating a healthy lifestyle that will make you the best version of YOU.

Take More Steps To Help You Lose Weight:

If you are wanting continued support on your weight loss journey, check out some of the blog posts I wrote to help you in whatever stage you are at:

  • 15 Habits of People Who Have Lost 20 – 30lbs and KEPT IT OFF
  • 5 Reasons You Are Struggling With Your Eating Habits
  • 4 Different Ways Blogging Helps Me Lose Weight and Keep it Off
  • 5 More Healthy Habits Your Body (and Scale) Will Thank You For

Try some of these steps to losing weight that doesn’t include food and exercise to help you create a healthy lifestyle. Share your progress in the comments or share a picture and tag me on Instagram and Facebook if you decide to try these steps out!

7 Incredible Steps To Losing Weight That Don't Include Food Or Exercise (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.